Q: How do I publish a 'private' VUVOX collage

VUVOX is a 'mashup' for media creation and syndication. To publish and control the viewing of a 'private' collage can be handled in the following way.

Since VUVOX can handle multiple media types from different sources (Flickr, Picasa, SmugMug, uploading), it is possible that the final collage presentation can include both public and private media.

Regardless, I suggest the following when trying to publish a VUVOX collage privately.

1) upload your media, pictures or video to VUVOX.
2) Publish your collage as a 'draft' as your setting (not public). This will ensure that your presentation is not viewed on VUVOX, yet still allows you to grab the embed code.
3) Embed your collage in a web page you can control. When you copy the embed code to your clipboard, you can supress the 'share' control by unchecking the box 'include SHARE menu'. By keeping this box unchecked, your player will not enable the share controls, allowing the player not to be shared or fur.

When you paste your embed code within an intranet webpage, the content will be presented, but you will have controlled the 'only' viewable player.

This solution still allows you to log into your VUVOX account securely and remotely update the presentation of you like. All updates or changes you make to your collage will be affected on any embedded instance of the player.

This is the best way to ensure that your presentation remains secure.

Video Upload and encoding with VUVOX

How do you know if your video is encoding correctly? Follow these steps:

-- 1st, while editing a collage in VUVOX, select the button that says "Upload more Files'.
-- Select the movie file from your machine and upload it. The upload time will depend on the size of your file and your internet connection speed.
-- One your file has been uploaded it needs to be *encoded* to the proper format. Navigat to the 'My Media' tab and select 'Video' from the pulldown.

NOTE: you should see feedback directly on the new file that says 'Media not available yet' with a progress bar % of the processed file.

Once your file has been encoded, you should see a thumbnail of the file and you can add it to the stage. (see below)

---------- HERE'S A TIP ----------
For the *most* control over video encoding, you can use a Flash Video encoder, and output at any aspect ratio and size. (100MB limit).
when you upload a .FLV file directly, you can use it right away, as it will not need to be re-encoded.

For more information, see our posts on uploading to VUVOX

How to control the playback speed of a VUVOX Collage.

Q: Is it possible to control the speed at which the collage scrolls? I would like to slow down the speed...

A: Yes, There are a growing number of things you can change that affect the appearance & behavior of your Collage. These are located in the 'Settings' panel in the edit mode of the collage. You can adjust the speed of the Collage playback by adjusting the slider bar. Additionally, you can choose whether or not you want the collage to include page jumps.

FAQ: Can I host my own VUVOX presentation?

Unfortunately,  there is no way to host your own VUVOX presentation from your own servers at this time. We only currently support embedding the presentation inside of another site.
(Know issue is that it does NOT work if you are trying to embed in a WordPress blog that is hosted by Wordpress).

We have received many requests from our creators that they would like to download a local version of their creation once they've published it and then upload that *package* to their own serving environment.

Due to the high-demand of this request, we've prioritized it in our Feature list. Once that feature is supported, we will announce it here.

Thanks for your creative spirit and support. You make us better.

How to edit a VUVOX Collage Once you've Published it...

Once you've published your VUVOX collage, you can edit (or delete it) directly from the specific detail page.
You must be logged in in order to see the 'edit / delete' buttons... All you need to do is clik on the 'edit button, and this will sed you back into the edit mode of VUVOX collage so you can make edits or changes.

NOTE: You can edit a piece at any time, even if it has been embedded to another site. Use this to your ADVANTAGE so you can update pieces over time. All your edits will automatically be distributed to all embedded players.

How to Add Background Music

Adding background music to a VUVOX presentation can be done by uploading a non-DRM MP3 file into your VUVOX account.

If using VUVOX Collage, navigate to the 'My Media' tab in the lower left. Use the pull-down to select 'audio' as your media type. Next, drag and drop your file onto the stage. You will see feedback via a yellow layer. Drag the audio there.

The panel will slide out from the right. It can be accessed by clicking on the music note icon as well. You can add multiple audio files and set your playback options.
You can set it to Loop or Shuffle. For multiple files, you can enable a controller allowing the viewer to skip tracks if needed.

Currently not supported is the ability add audio to hotspots. That is Coming SOON!

For more information on supported media formats, see the 'Uploading FAQ'

VUVOX Embed Tricks

The following are some tips for Embedding the VUVOX player, including many of the parameters to update or change the functionality of the player. Object height= This is the height that is necessary to display in the DIV or Table cell being pasted into. Most often measured in number of pixels. Object width= This is the width of the collage. Most often is presented at 100%, as this will work best when presented inside variable DIV or table widths. This can also be explicit, allowing a specific pixel width to be set as well. Param Values: the following values can be set to "True" or "False" -- "allowFullScreen" --> will enable the full screen button, allowing the player to be seen Full Screen -- "showHeader" --> show/hide title -- "controller=autohide" --> this will automatically hide the control bar on VUVOX players that contain slideshows. -- "bgcolor=" --> this changes the letterbox color of the player when it is embedded. See embed code sample below.

Q: Can I remove the 'VUVOX' logo from the Player?

A: Yes, but we usually ask that you ask for permission. You can remove the logo from the player by inserting a variable value  into the embed code. See example below:

------------ < begin embed code > < Your object height="400" width="550"><param value="true" name="allowFullScreen"/><param value="showHeader=false&showMenu=false" name="FlashVars"/><param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"/><param value="http://www.vuvox.com/collage_express/collage.swf?collageID=YOURCOLLAGEID#" name="movie"/><embed height="400" width="550" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" FlashVars="showHeader=false&showMenu=false" src="http://www.vuvox.com/collage_express/collage.swf?collageID=YOURCOLLAGEID#"/>< end your object tag > < end embed code > -------------------

Q: Can I change the color of the Player?

A: Yes, but only on collage only. You can change the color of the Letterbox by inserting a parameter into the embed code: see example below

------------ < begin embed code > < Your object height="400" width="550" bgcolor="cccccc"><param value="true" name="allowFullScreen"/><param value="showHeader=false&showMenu=false" name="FlashVars"/><param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"/><param value="http://www.vuvox.com/collage_express/collage.swf?collageID=YOURCOLLAGEID#&marginColor=0xcccccc" name="movie"/><embed height="400" width="550" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" FlashVars="showHeader=false&showMenu=false" src="http://www.vuvox.com/collage_express/collage.swf?collageID=YOURCOLLAGEID#"/>< end your object tag > < end embed code > -------------------