Uploading to VUVOX. FAQ

Frequently asked Questions about Creating, publishing and embedding a VUVOX Collage. For additional help, visit our Online Video Tutorials on Lynda.com.

Q: What is the best way to upload into VUVOX?

A: The most comprehensive way to upload into VUVOX is through the Collage interface. You must be logged in to access this screen. Uploading images, video and audio can all be done through this interface. Even if you are wanting to use VUVOX Studio, you can upload through the Collage interface. From here you can organize your media into groups or sort by media type (images, video, audio) if needed.

Q: What media formats do you support for upload?

4 responses
Hello Dane, I am not able to upload any wmv files because your upload mechanism does not show any wmv files in the Select Files dialog. See screenshot here http://alitorkzadeh.posterous.com/ The directory shown contains several wmv and avi files, but only avi files (and jpegs) are showing up. Please let me know if this is bug or something I am doing wrong.
I get this problem with both windows 7 and xp.
I am no longer able to upload any .flv files to Vuvox as I have in the past. Files I've uploaded several months ago are still there and work fine, but all new .flv files I create now do not upload. Please help.
Hello, would like to know why my FLV doesn't work. Need then working urgently.