Q: How do I publish a 'private' VUVOX collage

VUVOX is a 'mashup' for media creation and syndication. To publish and control the viewing of a 'private' collage can be handled in the following way.

Since VUVOX can handle multiple media types from different sources (Flickr, Picasa, SmugMug, uploading), it is possible that the final collage presentation can include both public and private media.

Regardless, I suggest the following when trying to publish a VUVOX collage privately.

1) upload your media, pictures or video to VUVOX.
2) Publish your collage as a 'draft' as your setting (not public). This will ensure that your presentation is not viewed on VUVOX, yet still allows you to grab the embed code.
3) Embed your collage in a web page you can control. When you copy the embed code to your clipboard, you can supress the 'share' control by unchecking the box 'include SHARE menu'. By keeping this box unchecked, your player will not enable the share controls, allowing the player not to be shared or fur.

When you paste your embed code within an intranet webpage, the content will be presented, but you will have controlled the 'only' viewable player.

This solution still allows you to log into your VUVOX account securely and remotely update the presentation of you like. All updates or changes you make to your collage will be affected on any embedded instance of the player.

This is the best way to ensure that your presentation remains secure.